Case studies

As part of our attempt to help staff explore how decolonisation applies to their speciality we have begun collecting case studies of education and clinical/speciality interventions which have sought to explore specific areas of decolonisation. These case studies are designed to help promote thinking and give colleagues inspiration for their own areas.

When exploring the case studies please consider the following:

  1. These cases are not infallible, and likely will be improved by the authors as their own thinking expands. If you have feedback or suggestions for the case author please ensure you communicate these with respect and professionalism.
  2. If you use case studies as inspiration for your own work please contact the case author to let them know. Many early examples of decolonisation work come from staff or students who experience marginalisation. It is important that when learning from them we recognise their hard work and acknowledge this wherever possible. This allows individuals to track the impact of their work, and may possibly lead to collaborative teaching or research.
  3. Do you have your own examples you would like to submit? If you have something which you feel others can benefit from please do not hesitate to submit this using the decolonisation case study proforma. Please note there may be some delay in contacting you about your case, and displaying it.

The list of case studies is below